Why Email Marketing Is So Powerful in 2020

Despite predictions that ‘email marketing is dead’ or that it will soon fall victim to the powers of social media and video content, email is still the powerhouse of online marketing.

According to Oberlo.com, the Return on Investment (ROI) for email marketing is $42 for every $1 spent! The same article claims that more than 80% of small businesses use email as their primary customer acquisition platform, as well as customer retention.

If those stats aren’t enough to communicate the importance of email marketing, consider this; online ad costs are rising… fast. Digital marketers everywhere are bearing witness to the rising ad costs on Facebook and Google, as well as other platforms – and it will only get more expensive.

Not to mention, by advertising on these platforms you ultimately have no control over your message and who it’s shown to. Facebook is particularly notorious for being very strict on ad approvals, and Google isn’t much better.

When it comes to email, you own your list. Also, your communication channel is one-to-one, almost as good as speaking face-to-face; you have control over the conversation, and it’s very easy for your email audience to initiate conversation as well.

Here are some other reasons why your business should be using email marketing in 2020:

Free of Cost

Yes, besides the cost of your email platform, email marketing is mostly free; you own your list, and you do not get charged per action as you do with other platforms.

This presents a completely free way to advertise your businesses products and services, as well as develop a relationship at no cost to your marketing budget.

Considering email has been proven to have a high ROI, you can’t go wrong with utilizing this free method of communication between your business and customers. Send us query if you need an advertising agency in Adelaide.

They Already Know Who You Are

This is arguably the most important aspect of email marketing; since they are on your list, they (hopefully) already know who you are.

This means you can tailor your message better than if you were advertising to cold traffic.

Even better, your list might consist of previous ‘buyers’ – those who have already purchased from you in the past. Statistically speaking, since they’ve already purchased once, they are more likely to buy from you again as opposed to someone who hasn’t.

Turn A List Into An Audience

With email, you have the opportunity to shape your message and how your email list perceives you.

This means you can turn your email list into die-hard customers; email is one of the best marketing avenues for this purpose.

You should keep this in mind when contemplating whether to send consistent emails or not – as long as you stay interesting, your list will always want to hear more from you.

All in all, if you have yet to incorporate email into your marketing campaigns or simply haven’t done it enough, make 2020 the year to do so.

If you want help with your email marketing, contact our expert team for a free consultation.