Digital Ad Agency Shares 3 Steps to Win at Facebook Marketing

Adelaide based digital agency Catalyst shares the secrets to running successful Facebook marketing campaigns. Are you seeing businesses get millions of views and tonnes of engagement on Facebook, but you can’t seem to do the same? A study by Facebook showed that two-thirds of its users visit a local business’s Facebook Page at least once […]

How to Engage Your Audience With Online Videos

engage with video

In 2020 a study by Biteable found that 60% of businesses are using videos in their marketing. And this wyzowl study found that 86% of marketers said video has increased traffic and 78% said video marketing directly increased their sales. But here’s the thing, videos are expensive. Done right and the ROI is incredible, but […]

How to Get the Best Social Media Consultation Services in Adelaide

Introduction It is interesting to see how social media is so dynamic from region to region. It means the customer behavior, expectations, and preference of Adelaide users on social media would be different than social media users in Sydney. The fact remains that more than 70% of internet users use social media platforms to make buying decisions. As a […]

Marketing Company Adelaide Tells the Top 3 Instagram Ad Best Practices

Instagram Ad Strategies

Instagram is a massive social media platform that, according to Statista, has over 800 million active users… a number that keeps growing. As of 2021, Instagram is an undeniable platform that seems to be overlooked when compared to how popular Facebook advertising is. If you have yet to give Instagram a shot for marketing your […]

3 Strategies For Successful Online Video Advertising

When it comes to digital marketing, online video is still one of the best formats to advertise your business and get the attention of prospective customers. In a day and age where there are so many methods to advertise your product or services, video is one of the most effective ways to make the most […]

Five Social Media Content Ideas For Your Business

The introduction of social media to the world has created a massive opportunity for marketers; now, instead of broadcasting a TV or newspaper advertisement, brands and businesses alike can cultivate a following of niche-specific buyers for free. If you do social media right, you can gain followers at no cost to you or your company… […]

Social Video

Social & Video Content We are now in a content driven business environment. With the ease of “Googling” where to buy your new car, holiday, pair of jeans or to arrange a plumber, content is King. Add to that, our own personal behaviour of spending time every day on our various social media accounts, we […]

Adelaide Digital Marketing Agency

The world has gone digital and there is little doubt about that. However, it is crucial to work out which digital platforms are the right platforms for your business to reach your customers and generate more leads from your digital marketing campaigns. We provide the following digital marketing services to generate more leads for our […]

How to Re-launch Your brand in Social Media

Social Media Marketing

Your brand as a business is your image – the way the world perceives you. There are times you might need new branding for your business. While this comes with some level of risk, having a new brand, and updating your social media profiles is a good idea. Here are some steps to make this […]

No, digital marketing isn’t just Facebook.


There’s more to marketing online than social media. Let’s hear from a marketing agency in Adelaide.   We’re at an interesting time with marketing. Trends come and go before businesses have the chance to implement new strategies. While marketing has more visibility than ever before, it’s also demanding… and requires weekly, daily and sometimes, hourly […]